
9 Top Digital Advertising Trends in 2023



At the end of the year, all companies are trying to prepare for the upcoming months. Especially in light of new emerging technologies, everyone is curious about what will come next in the marketing world.

The 2023 trends will be surely dominated by four factors:

  • cybersecurity threats that increase the risk of running digital campaigns, and storing, processing, and protecting data
  • the global economic crisis that makes companies operate on uncertain markers and forces them to plan their budgets more reasonably
  • new emerging technologies that constantly provide the industry with innovation and accelerate the digital transformation
  • cybersecurity threats that started back in 2020, and is still expanding in modern channels.

Let’s check out what 2023 has in store for us, and what awaits digital marketers in the upcoming months.

1. Customer experience

In 2023, staying focused on the customer and their needs is more important than ever before. Buyers expect tailored and personalized experiences and offer precisely targeting their individual needs. This means that marketers have to stay creative to keep users engaged and willing to interact with their advertisements and brands.

However, targeting customers is becoming more and more challenging. Not every interaction that you can observe in the ad manager should be interpreted as relevant. With an increasing threat of ad fraud, it’s getting difficult to distinguish human traffic from a bot or low-quality traffic and to analyze the real needs of the target audience - but the right conclusions based on high-quality data are essential if you really want to reach your customers.

If you wish to learn more about ad fraud, go to our article:What is ad fraud and why is it dangerous for your marketing campaign? Being aware of the dimension of the problem is the first step to learning precautionary measures and new ways of ad optimization for 2023.

2. Alternative data collecting

While Google announced the end of third-party cookies in 2024, collecting information about users’ behavior still plays a major role in marketing. Privacy becomes the next challenge for marketers that have to find an alternative solution for tracking and collecting data about website visitors’ preferences.

Unfortunately, with almost 40% of online traffic being bot traffic, they can never be sure whether the data they see and analyze is pure and relevant. To measure this, you will need a solution that will sufficiently track the traffic on your website and analyze data divided into Human Traffic, Bot Traffic, and Low-quality Traffic. To learn more, go to our article: 3 Types of Website Traffic – Why Do You Need To Monitor Them?.

3. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has been a strong trend in digital advertising for the past few years, and it’s not predicted to reverse in 2023. This way of using social media involves working with individuals who gathered a large community around their personality, concept, or idea and promoting brands and products in their channels.

Why is influencer marketing so appealing to advertisers? The real reason is not a wide reach, but exceptional audience engagement and loyalty. As followers are prone to the influencer’s suggestions, this increases the chances for purchases - and marketers are perfectly aware of this fact. In the era of increasing ad fraud, using standard digital advertising platforms involves the risk of losing the budget due to fake clicks that will never convert. Influencer marketing is then much more effective, as it will surely generate valuable, human traffic instead of fraudulent activities that will drain the budget.

4. Agile marketing

Although “Agile marketing” is quite a recent term, it perfectly defines the most important principle of modern advertising: flexibility. Running campaigns based on rapid interactions provides marketers with several benefits: allows them to quickly respond to market changes, adapt to the dynamic reality, complete projects faster, and focus on customer value and needs.

In 2023, after the pandemic and in the face of a global economic crisis, this attitude will undoubtedly pay off, or even become the only way to stay competitive.

5. User experience

Building modern websites is all about the users, and how they feel when interacting with your content. As more and more people are browsing webpages through different browsers, OS, and devices, you have to make sure that it will be responsive and user-friendly regardless of their preferences.

This means that ads should also be displayed across all devices. However, you have to make sure that they won’t fall victim to fake traffic and ad fraud. This is why we recommend traffic quality monitoring and analysis to make sure that your ads attract real users.

6. Voice search

Voice search and voice assistants are becoming more and more popular ways of providing input for search engines. The voice-powered tools are already able to provide results not only to very basic and straightforward questions but perform more comprehensive searches, even conversational ones. As more and more searches are driven by voice, you should consider equipping your websites with voice search options to effectively respond to the most recent market trends and expectations.

7. Interactive content

Modern digital marketing forces advertisers to make their ads and websites interactive. To keep their audience engaged, they have to stay creative and implement dynamic elements such as games, infographics, videos, quizzes, maps, calculators, and more. Following this trend will drive conversions and leads and improve customer experience in general.

There are also more benefits of interactive content. Engaging elements will help you to monitor how users interact with your website and check whether your website is susceptible to bot traffic. Placing Captcha verification next to your interactive content will let you verify how many users taking action on your website are humans.

8. Social commerce

E-commerce is still expanding, but in 2023 it is predicted that social media will become a mainstream shopping platform. As ad fraud is evolving, brands are increasingly skeptical of standard paid digital advertising platforms and prefer to switch to more reliable channels. It involves influencer marketing as well as organic campaigns on TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram, and integrating e-commerce platforms with social media channels.

However, your paid campaigns do not have to be drained by fraudulent activities. You can efficiently eliminate the risk by using proper ad fraud detection tools and explore the great potential of paid campaigns to the fullest. To learn more about the benefits of ad fraud detection, go to our article: Why To Invest In Ad Fraud Detection? A Guide for Marketers & Advertisers.

9. Outsourcing to digital agencies

With more and more emerging technologies and digital advertising opportunities, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to stay updated. As it’s impossible to master all of them within one marketing team, delegating advertising tasks will surely gain popularity, and hiring specialists proficient in a specific technology will become not only a strong trend but simply a must.

However, hiring a digital advertising agency comes along with the risk that they will not do their job well. Especially in the era of ad fraud, the paid traffic they collect can be affected by bot activity. To eliminate this risk, we recommend using a traffic quality analysis tool that will help you to assess the quality of your traffic and make sure that you cooperate with a trustworthy partner.

Would you like to learn more about ad fraud-detecting tools and the way they can improve your marketing figures? Feel free to contact us. As e-commerce and IT experts, we will provide you with the best tips for ad detection and optimizing your digital marketing activities.